screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
produk - Screw Compressor

Oil Injected Compressors

Screw Compressor menciptakan udara bertekanan menggunakan rotor spiral yang berdampingan. Kompresor jenis ini sangat cocok untuk supply udara yang konsisten terus menerus. Biasanya kompresor ini digunakan pada industri perdagangan.
screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
Screw Compressor masih tergolong teknologi kompresor terbaru walaupun pengembangannya sudah dilakukan sejak abad 19 oleh orang Jerman. Namun berhenti begitu saja hingga akhir perang dunia II.

Screw Compressor ini memiliki desain yang relatif kecil dan compact. Selain itu, kompresor jenis ini memiliki massa yang kecil juga. Dengan desain yang minimalis, membuat suara yang dihasilkan begitu kecil atau senyap. Hal ini juga karena tidak adanya gaya mekanis yang tinggi.
Fitur Produk -----------------
Keunggulan Umum -------------
  • From 2.2 to 355 kW
  • Up to 40 bar, e.g. for PET bottle production
  • As compact systems with compressed air tank, refrigeration dryer and with variable speed control
  • Plate heat exchanger, integrated or as external box
  • For special applications: gas compression, drilling rigs, rail and special vehicles
  • Custom-made designs based on customer requirements
  • Low space requirement due to compact design
  • Excellent air quality and operational reliability thanks to a highly efficient cooling system
  • Maintenance-friendly thanks to easily removable doors and easily accessible maintenance components
  • High quality standard with standard components "Made in Germany"
  • User-friendly due to functional and clearly arranged instrumentation panel
  • Enhanced safety : 2-year full warranty
Fitur Produk -----------------
  • From 2.2 to 355 kW
  • Up to 40 bar, e.g. for PET bottle production
  • As compact systems with compressed air tank, refrigeration dryer and with variable speed control
  • Plate heat exchanger, integrated or as external box
  • For special applications: gas compression, drilling rigs, rail and special vehicles
  • Custom-made designs based on customer requirements
Keunggulan Umum -------------
  • Low space requirement due to compact design
  • Excellent air quality and operational reliability thanks to a highly efficient cooling system
  • Maintenance-friendly thanks to easily removable doors and easily accessible maintenance components
  • High quality standard with standard components "Made in Germany"
  • User-friendly due to functional and clearly arranged instrumentation panel
  • Enhanced safety : 2-year full warranty
produk - Screw Compressor

RS-B 2,2 - 11,0

(<10 bar / belt drive)
screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
ADVANTAGES -------------------
  • Low space requirement due to compact design
  • Excellent air quality and operational reliability thanks to a highly efficient cooling system
  • Maintenance-friendly thanks to easily removable doors and easily accessible maintenance components
  • High quality standard with standard components "Made in Germany"
  • User-friendly due to functional and clearly arranged instrumentation panel
  • Enhanced safety - 2-year full warranty
  • Motor power:
    2.2 – 11.0 kW
  • Free air delivery:
    0.27 – 1.57 m³/min
  • Operating pressure:
    7.5 and 10 bar
produk - Screw Compressor

RS-PRO 3,0 - 18,5 / 2-30,0 - 55,0

(<15 bar / belt drive)
screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
ADVANTAGES -------------------
  • Higher delivery rates due to optimized sling arrangement of the belt around the pulley
  • Long service life and easy maintenance thanks to automatic belt tensioning via a motor rocker
  • Low space requirement due to compact build
  • Excellent air quality and operational reliability thanks to a highly efficient cooling system
  • Optimal operating temperature is reached very quickly through thermostatic oil control
  • Low noise and low vibration operation thanks to effective sound insulation and design
  • Maintenance-friendly thanks to easily removable doors and easily accessible maintenance components
  • High quality standard with standard components "Made in Germany“
  • User-friendly to functional and clearly arranged instrumentation panel
  • Enhanced safety – 2-year full warranty
  • Motor power:
    3.0 – 18.5 kW and 30.0 – 55.0 kW
  • Free air delivery:
    0.24 – 9.34 m³/min
  • Operating pressure RS-PRO:
    7.5 | 10 | 13 | 15 bar
  • Operating pressure RSF-PRO:
    6 – 10 | 13 | 15 bar
produk - Screw Compressor

RS 18,5 - 1-30,0 / 55,0 - 110

(<15 bar / belt drive)
screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
ADVANTAGES -------------------
  • Long service life and easy maintenance due to 3-point tension with tensioning arm
  • Low space requirement due to compact design
  • Excellent air quality and operational reliability thanks to a highly efficient cooling system
  • Optimal operating temperature is reached very quickly through thermostatic oil control
  • Low noise and low vibration operation thanks to effective sound insulation and design
  • Maintenance-friendly thanks to easily removable doors and easily accessible maintenance components
  • High quality standard with standard components "Made in Germany“
  • User-friendly to functional and clearly arranged instrumentation panel
  • Enhanced safety – 2-year full warranty
  • Motor power:
    18.5 – 30.0 and 55.0 – 110 kW
  • Free air delivery:
    0.98 – 19.72 m³/min
  • Operating pressure RS:
    7.5 | 10 | 13 | 15 bar
  • Operating pressure RSF:
    6 – 10 | 13 | 15 bar
produk - Screw Compressor

RS-PRO 2-30,0 - 55,0D / RS 2-75 - 355D

(<15 bar / belt drive)
screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
ADVANTAGES -------------------
  • Optimal energy utilization with 1:1 connection between motor and air end
  • Simple coupling replacement without moving the motor or air end
  • Low space requirement due to compact design
  • Excellent air quality and operational reliability thanks to a highly efficient cooling system
  • Optimal operating temperature is reached very quickly through thermostatic oil control
  • Low noise and low vibration operation thanks to effective sound insulation and design
  • Maintenance-friendly thanks to easily removable doors and easily accessible maintenance components
  • High quality standard with standard components "Made in Germany“
  • User-friendly to functional and clearly arranged instrumentation panel
  • Enhanced safety – 2-year full warranty
  • Motor power:
    30.0 – 355.0 kW
  • Free air delivery:
    1.59 – 50.10 m³/min
  • Operating pressure RS-PRO D:
    7.5 | 10 | 13 | 15 bar
  • Operating pressure RSF-PRO D:
    6 – 15 bar
produk - Screw Compressor

RS-H 11,0 + 15,0

(<20 bar / belt drive)
screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
ADVANTAGES -------------------
  • Powerful and economical – operating pressure up to 20 bar without additional primary pressure compressor
  • Low space requirement due to compact design
  • Excellent air quality and operational reliability thanks to a highly efficient cooling system with aftercooler
  • Maintenance-friendly thanks to easily removable doors and easily accessible maintenance areas
  • User-friendly to functional and clearly arranged instrumentation panel
  • Automatic belt tensioning via motor rocker
  • Enhanced safety – 2-year full warranty
  • Motor power:
    11.0 + 15.0 kW
  • Free air delivery:
    0.27 – 1.32 m³/min
  • Operating pressure RS-H / RSF-H:
    18 and 20 bar
produk - Screw Compressor

RS-M Booster 18,5-45,0

(<40 bar / belt drive)
screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
ADVANTAGES -------------------
  • Pulsation-free compressed air, even in continuous operation – high-performance screw compressor
  • Fast and flexible adaptation to operating requirements thanks to full-load idle intermittent control
  • Low space requirement due to compact design
  • Low noise and low vibration operation thanks to effective sound insulation and design
  • Low service costs thanks to easily accessible maintenance areas and wear-free compressor element
  • User-friendly to functional and clearly arranged instrumentation panel
  • Simple belt tension due to 3-point tension with tensioning arm
  • Versatile application options thanks to food-grade and biodegradable oils
  • Reduction of energy costs – through optimal heat recovery options
  • Enhanced safety – 2-year full warranty
  • Motor power:
    18.5 – 45.0 kW
  • Free air delivery:
    2.0 – 10.5 m³/min
  • Operating power RS-M / RSF-M:
    25 – 40 bar
produk - Screw Compressor

Heat recovery 7,5 - 132 kW

(integriert order extreme Box)
screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
ADVANTAGES -------------------
  • The operation of screw compressors generates a large amount of heat that can be used cost-effectively.
  • Up to 94% of the electrical energy used for generating compressed air can be recovered as heat through consequent implementation of a heat recovery concept.
  • The heat recovery leads to considerable energy cost savings and is environment friendly.
  • Considerable cost savings due to the free-of-charge use of the heat energy generated :
  • Short payback periods thanks to energy cost savings :
  • Easy installation thanks to ready-to-connect components :
  • Protects the environment, as the energy generated is recycled and used rationally :
------ FAQ ------
Bagaimana Sejarah Renner Kompressoren? screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
Perbedaan Screw Compressor dan Piston Compressor? screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
Bagaimana biaya perawatan screw compressor? screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
Perbedaan Oil Free dan Oil Inject? screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
Kontak Telepon

Hubungi Kami

Kompresor sering kita lihat di pinggir jalan, biasanya yang digunakan bengkel kendaraan motor atau mobil dimana mereka membutuhkan kompresor tersebut untuk mengisi angin ban atau penggunaan alat-alat yang membutuhkan udara dengan tekanan tinggi. Namun kompresor tersebut berjenis piston compressor. Ada compressor yang lebih dapat diandalkan yaitu screw compressor.

Cara kerja screw compressor ini adalah membuat fluida (udara atau gas) bertekanan dari udara normal. Secara sederhana, kompresor ini akan menghisap udara normal yang ada diluar kemudian dipadatkan menjadi udara bertekanan tinggi yang dapat dimanfaatkan sistem. Bukan hanya bengkel kendaraan saja yang membutuhkan udara ini, melainkan industri besar tentu membutuhkan udara bertekanan untuk membantu proses-proses penting. Jika bengkel mungkin menggunakan kompresor jenis piston atau piston compressor, maka di industri besar membutuhkan kompresor yang dapat diandalkan dalam jangka waktu yang lama yaitu jenis screw compressor atau kompresor sekrup.

Industri yang membutuhkan udara bertekanan hasil kompresi dari sebuah screw compressor sangat beragam. Industri tersebut seperti pembuatan keramik yang digunakan pada proses pelapisan gelas keramik. Kemudian di mesin pembangkit listrik untuk mengendalikan fungsi otomatis ketel uap. Selain itu juga di industri makanan dan minuman, biasanya digunakan pada proses penutupan kemasan yang menggunakan media botol. Ada banyak industri lainnya seperti industri kimia, industri rokok, industri tekstil, industri alat musik.

Screw compressor punya dua pilihan yaitu single screw dan double screw. Keduanya sama-sama menggunakan rotary screw namun cara kerjanya saja yang berbeda. Untuk jenis single screw compressor menggunakan satu rotor dan 2 gasterotor/star wheels. Udara yang masuk lalu mengisi bagian alur atas dan bawah sekrup utama. Proses kompresi terjadi secara bersamaan karena punya dua gaterotors sehingga membuat single screw compressor ini punya air delivery yang lebih besar dibanding dengan double screw compressor.

Lalu untuk double screw compressor menggunakan dua rotor (helical screw) untuk mengkompresi udara. Dua rotor tersebut memiliki bentuk berbeda namun sesuai satu sama lain. Udara yang masuk akan terhisap masuk dan terjebak di sisi rotor, karena terus berputar, maka udara akan menuju ujung rotor.

Double screw compressor memiliki dua tipe yaitu double screw compressor oil free dan double screw compressor oil-inject. Perbedaannya terletak pada penggunaan pelumas atau oli pada pengkompresian didalam ruang. Pada jenis oil free terjadi dua tahap karena ruang sempit antara kedua rotor yang berfungsi untuk membuat udara yang tidak terlalu panas. Sedangkan oil inject menggunakan pelumas yang berfungsi melumasi rotor agar tidak mudah memuai dan juga sebagai pendingin udara yang dikompresi. Pemisahan antara oli dengan udara terjadi di separator tank. Sehingga mungkin masih ada sedikit oli yang mengikuti udara hasil kompresi.

Untuk mendapatkan screw compressor, Anda dapat menemukannya di PT Intidaya Dinamika Sejati. Kami menjual screw compressor dengan menjadi official distributor Renner Kompressorren di Indonesia. Renner merupakan perusahaan yang memproduksi compressor terbaik dan sudah menjangkau ke berbagai belahan dunia. Perusahaan ini sudah berdiri sejak 1994 yang berlokasi di Jerman. Kemudian pada tahun 2006 sudah memiliki sertifikasi DIN EN ISO 9001. Jika Anda tertarik untuk mencari alternatif dari kompressor fusheng, hitachi, ingersollrand, kaeser, sullair, elgi, atlas copco atau merk lainnya, maka pilihannya ada pada Renner compressor.

Anda tak perlu ragu mengenai jaminan mesin ini, karena Kami juga memiliki bengkel untuk memperbaiki segala kerusakan yang terjadi. Kami memiliki Bengkel Sejati yang berlokasi di Jember. Sehingga untuk segala kerusakan hingga fasilitas trade-in Anda bisa menghubungi sales representatif kami.

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screw compressor Renner Kompressoren Indonesia
Jl. Pangeran Jayakarta,
Blok 123 No 41 Sawah Besar,
Jakarta - Indonesia
Telp. +62 21 6008054
Fax. +62 21 6490902
Mobile. +62 81 2378 55591
Jl. Walikota Mustajab 59A,
Surabaya - Indonesia
Telp. +62-31-5450149
Fax. +62-31-5471721
Mobile. +62 81 2378 55591
Jl. Kepodang Selatan 1,
Perum Puskopkar A23-25,
Semarang - Indonesia
Telp. +62 24-50229111
Mobile. +62 81 2378 55591
Jl. Moch Tamrin KM1
Jember - Indonesia
Telp. +62 331-488505
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